How to earn €100 000 a year?

Who wouldn’t want to earn €100 000 a year? Of course all of us would like that! And even more, why not earn a million euros a year?

Six-figure incomes are certainly a rarity in Latvia, but they are not unattainable. Earning €100 000 a year would put you almost 10 times above the Latvian average, and make your life very comfortable.

But how to achieve this goal if it is now very far away?

Some ways to earn 6 figures a year:

There are many ways you can earn six figures a year. The most common types of Tris are:

  • Get a job that pays a salary of €100 000;
  • Start a new business and grow it to eventually make a profit of €100 000;
  • Basic job + own business.

Of course, none of these options is easy – you will have to put in a lot of work and acquire new knowledge.

There is a saying that you are paid what you are worth. So, if you are earning €15 000 a year now, you will have to raise your value to €100 000. You can only raise your value by developing yourself – by getting out of your comfort zone. Go on a course, start the business you’ve been dreaming of! Do everything you can to become a more valuable person. If you don’t change anything in your life, you will continue to receive the same €15 000 per year!

What does a six-figure income really look like?

If you want to have a six-figure income, you need to earn at least €100,000 a year.

If we divide the amount into smaller chunks:

  • 8 333,33€ per month
  • 2 083,33€ per week
  • 416,66€ every working day
  • €52 per hour.

Breaking the big goal down into smaller steps will help you understand what it will take to get where you want to go. Can you find a full-time job that pays €52 per hour? Or can you do freelance work that will earn you that amount per hour?

It is important to find out where you currently stand in relation to these figures if you want to reach your target of 100,000 a year.

Do you think you could improve yourself to start earning €100 000 a year? How many years would it take you to get there? What should you do to achieve this? Think about these questions and start working for a better future today!

Think also about how much better you could live by earning more money. Money gives people freedom of choice! It’s not just about being able to afford a better car or a bigger house, it’s about being able to spend more time doing what you really love and maybe even helping others to do the same.

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